Monday, July 30, 2012


I saw The Amazing Spider-Man yesterday, and I feel like writing about it!  This was actually going to be a The Dark Knight Rises post, but all my friends had seen it except for me.  D:

Anyway, I like the Spider-Man franchise in general, knowing some of the backstory and general cast and villains, but I have never seen any of the three original movies.  Maybe that's for the better, because I thought The Amazing Spider-Man was awesomely amazing.

In contrast to the previous films (according to reviews and criticism currently over the airwaves), Peter Parker is a shyer and less confident young man.  I, for one, agree with this change.  He's brilliantly intelligent, but isn't given any respect for it.  And having lost his parents, he's pretty much alone other than for his uncle and aunt who always stay up waiting for him to come home late at night.  Parker only has confidence while donning his spandex alter ego, Spider-Man.  He cracks subtle jokes at villians no less, and isn't afraid to take that leap (no pun intended).  However, talking to his initial love interest (true to the comics I might add), Gwen Stacy, makes him all stammery and hestitant.  Very humanizing in my opinion.  This humanizing trait is carried over when he's injured, hampering his mobility.  He's not immortal, he's Spider-Man!  Fortunately, his karma kicks in, and citizens help him out, giving him more creditabliltiy as the city's true vigilante.

I really don't have any qualms with the film.  I saw it in 3-D too, which I would usually say is a waste of money and gimmicky.  Not for this movie though.  I love how gripping those scenes with Spider-Man zipping through the skyscrapers or fighting; I felt really tense in my seat.  They even included some first-person scenes (his point of view), and I felt my slight acrophobia kicking in, but it was AWESOME.  Wish they could have included more first-person shots, but this may have been unfavorable due to causing motion sickness in some people.  The 3-D effects also seemed to help with the scenes with bokeh and depth of field.

All in all, this is a great reboot of a beloved franchise.  Everyone should go and see it, and keep the original trilogy out of their minds while watching.  And stay for the credits, as there's an extra scene...  Can't wait for the sequel!

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